300 word draft of paper 2

300 word draft of paper 2

Jack Hamill

Professor miller

Eng 110

27 Mar 27, 2023

When looking at david foster wallace “consider the lobster”, the reader is able to see a very wide spectrum of ideas many people have to offer and tests the limits of other peoples means and wills by exploring the everlasting question of is it wrong to eat animals. Wallice expands his ideas further by highlighting events at the Maine lobster festival and diving deep with the preparation of lobsters and indulging in lobster. The lobster festival is a perfect example of peoples of all over coming together to celebrate the death of a crustacean for the pleasure of others. Wallice condescendingly continues to talk about how lobsters are able to show a preference to not be lowered into a pot of boiling water and actualy grab onto the side of the pot to prevent beign lowered, this is similar to the behavior of frogs when they are fried or stemmed they often attempt to jusp out of the container they are being “housed” in. this behavior has been studied and many researchers claim plenty of animals nervous systems are closely wired to ours such as most birds and or the lobster. This would reshape the way many people go about treating animals and the the insects thaat are vital to our environment. In the end of his speech he continues to further ask what the most humane way to kill a lobster is and claims “there are limits to what even interested persons can ask of each other”. I believe by taking a further look into previous articles read such as what the crows know and can earth feed 10 billion people, we will be able to compare and contrast different ideas of each author and come to a common consensus of what is being done agriculturally in our world and what we can do better as global citizens.

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