Learning Outcome 2

Learning Outcome 2

As we had continued to learn about the “framing statement” or Barclays formula to better set up our writing for the best academic writing, we had been asked to gather quotes and compare them to another article. For my chosen work I had chosen our project two as I had felt like I portrayed the strongest academic argument while using evidence from the articles. As an example, roughly half way through the fourth paragraph, I had referenced the texture of soilent and argued that this new super food was taking away from what we are used to and that is traditional, culture packed meals. I had set this argument up by selecting a passage from “the end of food” and wanted to choose a portion where an unbiased opinion could see the benefits for the new superfood called soylent but also could understand the ways traditional meals are going to waste right before our eyes. This argument was only strengthened when I had shared my ideas with my peers and was able to receive constructive criticism about how to set up my argument and or introduce the quote properly in my essay. This is something I found really helpful and unique to the class and was thankful I had the opportunity to exchange drafts as without this exchange, like mentioned earlier I feel like the structure of the essay would have been very scattered and hard to follow but once I had gone back into the reading and was able to integrate an introduction of the quote is what had truly helped me the most.
