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Author: jhamill

Summary of Spring Break Podcast.

Summary of Spring Break Podcast.

For this assignment we are expected to tell a story through a list. I interpret this as a sequential order of events over a long period of time, summed up into bullet points but expressed in the form of a story. I enjoyed this task because we were able to have freedom with what we were to speak about and how long we talked about that specific subject for. This assignment also allowed for students to play around with different…

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Image of Nursing

Image of Nursing

I believe this image is a representation of what it means to work as a nurse and provide care for other people because without a team of people in which you must have trust and faith in, there is no possibly way anyone could provide full and attentive care to the person in need of such. without a team, there are many complexities that occur such as scrambling to help other patients or helping other nurses that may need assistance….

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Short Skills and Experience

Short Skills and Experience

My name is Jack Hamill and I proudly lifeguard the three beaches of Rye, New hampshire. In the summer months June through August, I work with the Rye fire department and train as a lifeguard six out of the seven days a week. Every morning we would wake up and meet each other in the parking lot, the team would consist of 7 guards each day and we began our mornings with a workout to get our blood moving and…

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About Me

About Me

Hello Everyone! My name is Jack Hamill and I am 21 years old. I live In Rye, New Hampshire and live at home with my family along with two cats. I graduated from New Hampton School in New Hampton, New Hampshire and through there I had discovered my passion for nursing along with my place of work. during the summers I work as a Lifeguard at Rye Beach.
